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AquaConSoil 2025 - Scientific program now available
The program for AquaConSoil 2025 (16-20 June 2025, Liège, Belgium) features 240 scientific presentations spanning the full spectrum of soil and water management research, reflecting both established methodologies and emerging approaches in the field.
- Soil-Sediment-Water (SSW) Systems Management
- Innovative Remediation Technologies for PMT/ vPvM substances
- Advancements in Risk Assessment
- Contaminated Site Management Strategies
- Enhanced Digitalisation
- Integrating Multidimensional Perspectives
Find out which presentations are in the sessions here.
SOILveR coffee break meeting: ‘Recycling brownfields’ - 4 April 2025
Reminder to the next meeting within the SOILveR webinar series on ‘Integration of Soil Health in decision-making processes at various scales’, from 9:30 – 11:30 CET on:
- 4 April: Recycling brownfields: Incorporating Soil Health into urban development projects
Registration is open and the program available.
Save the date for the upcoming SOILveR coffee break meetings 2025 on:
- 12 September: Contaminated sites
- 7 November: Concept of Technosol
SoilWise Prototype and Demonstration Event
The Mission Soil project SoilWise (An Open Access Knowledge and Data Repository to Safeguard Soils) is developing an integrated access point for soil data and knowledge across Europe, ensuring they are findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. Stakeholders – including farmers, policymakers and researchers – are invited to test and validate the prototype.
An online demonstration of the first prototype of the SoilWise Data and Knowledge Repository is scheduled for 29 April 2025, 15:00-16:30, designed for researchers, scientists, and soil experts.
Consultation on substances proposed for listing as POPs
ECHA (European Chemical Agency) has published a consultation on the draft risk profile for new POPs:
- polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans and mixed polybrominated/chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PBDD/Fs and PBCDD/Fs).
Have your say until 20 May 2025
SOLACE Report - Understanding the links between SOiL pollution and CancEr
The Exploratory Research project “Understanding the links between SOil pollution and CancEr (SOLACE)” aims to investigate the complex relationships between soil properties, pollution, land use and human health. The scoping review of the existing studies linking soil pollution and cancer identified the knowledge gaps in the fields. An ecological study across 26 EU countries revealed associations between the regional rates of lung cancer mortality and soil pollution with arsenic and cadmium.
TERRAenVISION 2025 – call for abstracts
The 5th TERRAenVISION Conference on “Nature-based solutions to facilitate the transitions for living within the planetary boundaries” will take place in Granada, Spain, 8 - 11 July 2025. The call for abstracts is now open until 15 April 2025.
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) – Newsletter
- ESDAC/EUSO Newsletter No. 174 (March 2025)
U.S. EPA – TechDirect News
TechDirect, hosted by the U.S. EPA's Technology Innovation and Field Services Division, is an information service that highlights and identifies new technical, policy and guidance resources related to the assessment and remediation of contaminated soil, sediments and groundwater.
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SOILveR Webinar #2: Recycling Brownfields: Incorperating Soil Health into urban development projects
In 2025 SOILveR organizes a webinar series on the integration of Soil Health in decision-making processes at various scales.
The second webinar will be on “Recycling Brownfields: Incorperating Soil Health into urban development projects” on 4 April 2025, 9:30 – 11:30.
EmConSoil January webinars – recordings available
The EmConSoil one-hour webinar series on emerging contaminants, held in January 2025, included the following topics:
- PFAS remediation
- Risk assessment of PFAS
- PFAS in animal and vegetable products
- Mixture toxicity
Ecoforum Brisbane 2025 - abstract submission is open
The Australasian Land & Groundwater (ALGA) is pleased to announce that call for abstracts for the biennial conference ecoforum 2025 in Brisbane, 28 – 30 October 2025 is now open.
Among the 11 conference topics are: PFAS Investigation and Management; Emerging Contaminants; Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment; Indigenous Knowledge in Contaminant Management; AI and Digital Innovations; New and Emerging Issues in the Industry.
Start submitting your abstract
ISLANDR – ‘SRBLM Guidance’ and ‘Barriers & solutions for reuse of contaminated land and soils Report’
The Interim Guidance is a consultation document about ’Sustainable and Risk Based Land Management (SRBLM)’, and how this concept will be advanced by the ISLANDR project.
ISLANDR proposes strategies to promote remediation action and reuse of both land and soil. The report ‘Barriers & solutions for reuse of contaminated land and soils’ covers the first step: to make an overview of barriers for the reuse of land and strategies for maximizing the reuse of excavated soils, based on existing schemes for soil reuse.
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
News 4/25
Conference „PFAS in soil – forever pollution, forever concern?“
Reminder to the upcoming PFAS hybrid conference “PFAS in soil - forever pollution, forever concern?” from 25-26 March 2025 in Berlin, Germany.
The aim of the conference is to provide information on the challenges associated with PFAS, particularly in soils at hot-spot sites.
Registration for online participation is open until 20 March 2025, for in person participation as long as places are available.
NICOLE & PROMISCES Joint Spring Workshop
The upcoming Spring Workshop will take place in Frankfurt, Germany, on 27–28 March 2025 under the theme:
"Working Towards Solutions for Emerging, Persistent, and Mobile Industrial Contaminants – Circular Economy in the Soil-Sediment-Water System."
For more information see the Preliminary Workshop Program.
Zero pollution monitoring and outlook 2025
The European Commission and the European Environment Agency (EEA) published the second Zero Pollution Monitoring and Outlook report, which provides an overview of the EU’s work to meet the 2030 zero pollution targets. It will also inform future policies designed to support the zero-pollution ambition — to reduce pollution to the extent that it no longer presents a risk to human health and the environment by 2050.
“PFAS National Environment Management Plan 3.0” published
The PFAS National Environmental Management Plan (PFAS NEMP) is Australia’s national guide for managing Per- and poly-Fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination in the environment.
This version replaces the second version (2.0) published in 2020. It includes new and additional guidance and standards on priority areas including:
- new guideline values for investigation and risk assessment
- guidance around remediation of contaminated land
- guidance on re-use of resource recovery products
- risk-based criteria for re-use of biosolids contaminated with PFAS.
Ecoforum Brisbane 2025
The Australasian Land & Groundwater (ALGA) is pleased to announce its biennial conference ecoforum 2025 in Brisbane, 28 – 30 October 2025.
The conference provides an excellent platform for exchanging ideas and collaborating on sustainable practices for land and groundwater management.
Maximum Contaminant Level Goals (MCLGs) for Three Individual PFAS and a Mixture of Four PFAS
US EPA summarizes the health effects, exposure information, and analyses and describes the derivation of EPA's final MCLGs for HFPO-DA, PFNA, PFHxS, and PFBS. EPA is finalizing individual MCLGs for HFPO-DA, PFNA, and PFHxS and a PFAS mixture MCLG for mixtures of two or more of four PFAS (HFPO-DA, PFNA, PFHxS, and PFBS) that account for dose-additive health effects when these PFAS co-occur in drinking water.
The MCLG represents the level below, which adverse health effects over a lifetime of exposure are not expected to occur, including for sensitive populations and life stages, and with an adequate margin of safety.
Historical mining towns: The establishment of ‘Soil Planning Areas’ for the risk management of contaminated soil
Historical mining towns face financial challenges with the proposed Soil Monitoring Law of the European Union, which will require the management of soil contamination, since remediating soil in densely populated towns and cities is challenging.
Within the EU project “ISLANDR”, the environmental impact of sulfide ore mining in the urban area of Outokumpu in Finland was compared with that of other European sites, focusing on soil contamination.
The historical mining town of Freiberg in Saxony, Germany, has been regulated as a ‘Soil Planning Area’, where limit values have been provided based on land use scenarios. The regional handling and re-use of excavated soil is based on contamination categories.
The ‘Soil Planning Area’ regulation procedure provides a general approach to resolve issues related to contaminated mining-related soil in urban areas with a comprehensive package of tools to tackle environmental and health risks with reasonable economic resources.
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) – Newsletter
- ESDAC/EUSO Newsletter No. 173 (February 2025)
U.S. EPA – TechDirect News
TechDirect, hosted by the U.S. EPA's Technology Innovation and Field Services Division, is an information service that highlights and identifies new technical, policy and guidance resources related to the assessment and remediation of contaminated soil, sediments and groundwater. TechDirect, March 1, 2025
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AquaConSoil 2025 – early bird tickets available
Early Bird registration for the 40th AquaConSoil 2025, 16-20 June 2025 in Liège, Belgium, is now open until 1 March 2025.
Get your tickets on the website.
Attendees can look forward to engaging pre-conference courses and a diverse array of excursions, ranging from scenic to scientific.
Hybrid Conference ‘PFAS in soil – forever pollution, forever concern?’
The conference will take place on 25-26 March 2025 in Berlin, Germany and online. The conference provides an exchange platform for scientists, (political) decision-makers, representatives of authorities as well as experts dealing with PFAS emissions and contamination, dealing with the following sessions:
- Case Studies: PFAS pollution in soil and human exposure pathways
- Analytics, monitoring & technical measures
- From health concerns to hazard management measures
- PFAS in soil - Time to act together
Registration is open and the agenda available.
RemTech Europe 2025 - call for abstracts now open
RemTech Europe, the International Conference and Exhibition on land and water remediation markets and technologies, is taking place between 15-19 September 2025 in Ferrara, Italy.
The first two days of the free of charge conference, 15-16 September, will be fully digital, and broadcast in streaming. 17-19 September will be hybrid format (online and in-person. This is a great opportunity to showcase your research, solutions or case studies on a global stage.
The call for abstracts is now open until 31 March 2025.
The Forever Lobbying Project
The Forever Lobbying Project exposes the real cost of PFAS pollution on the environment, science, and politics.
For over a year, the Project investigated an ongoing orchestrated lobbying and disinformation campaign by the PFAS industry and its allies, with the aims of watering down an EU proposal to ban “forever chemicals” and shifting the burden of environmental pollution onto society.
The cross-border, interdisciplinary investigation reveals for the first time the staggering cost of cleaning PFAS contamination in Europe if emissions remain unrestricted: € 2 trillion over a 20-year period, an annual bill of € 100 billion. If the polluters do not pay, then who will?
The team collected over 14,000 unpublished documents on PFAS, constituting the world’s largest collection to date on the topic. The Project team stress tested the key lobbying arguments used by the plastics industry to counter the EU proposal to ban PFAS and found them to be straight out of the corporate disinformation playbook.
Go to the Forever Lobbying Project
Global Threat from the Irreversible Accumulation of Trifluoroacetic Acid (TFA)
Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) is a persistent and mobile substance increasing in concentration within diverse environmental media, including rain, soils, human serum, plants, plant-based foods, and drinking water. Currently, TFA concentrations are orders of magnitude higher than other PFAS. The accumulation is due to many PFAS having TFA as a transformation product, including several fluorinated gases, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and industrial chemicals, in addition to direct release of industrially produced TFA. Due to TFA's extreme persistence and ongoing emissions, concentrations are increasing irreversibly. What remains less clear are the thresholds where irreversible effects on local or global scales occur. Mammalian toxicity studies indicate that TFA is toxic to reproduction and that it exhibits liver toxicity.Ecotoxicity data are scarce, with most data being for aquatic systems; fewer data are available for terrestrial plants where TFA bioaccumulates most readily. These trends imply that TFA meets the criteria of a planetary boundary threat for novel entities because of increasing planetary-scale exposure, where potential irreversible disruptive impacts on vital earth system processes could occur.
Read the full article.
EU Soil Strategy Action Tracker
EUSO launched the EU Soil Strategy Actions Tracker. This new tool tracks the progress of policy actions listed in the EU Soil Strategy for 2030.
- The EU Soil Strategy Actions Tracker contains detailed information on each action, including due date, recent updates, links to related EU policies and links to relevant sources.
- The Tracker shows that currently 62 out of 90 actions (almost 70%) are completed; 24 actions (almost 30%) are still in progress.
The Soil Strategy Actions Tracker is developed by the EU Soil Observatory (EUSO) of the Joint Research Centre, in cooperation with the Directorate-General for Environment (DG ENV). It will be extended to monitor all EU policy actions relevant to soils and is thus a rolling assessment of progress on formal policy commitments on soil.
Go to the EU Soil Strategy Actions Tracker.
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) – Newsletter
- ESDAC/EUSO Newsletter No. 172 (January 2025)
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
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ISLANDR – excavated soil: online consultation and survey
The ISLANDR project is running an online consultation on the management of excavated soil.
The EU Soil Strategy for 2030 foresees the use of soil health certification and soil passporting to facilitate the reuse of excavated soils by providing confidence in soil quality and traceability of supply and use. It states that “clean” excavated soils should be reused in the same or another appropriate location and if that is not possible, e.g. because the soil is contaminated, it should be prioritised for recycling or some other form of recovery rather than landfilling.
The aim of this consultation is to test a template or model procedure for excavated soil management in European countries that would be compatible with soil passporting as a contribution to this developing policy debate.
The information collected will be used to deliver two outputs:
- A cross-cutting analysis of approaches to excavated soil management across Europe to be submitted to an open access journal paper;
- A template for countries or regions to establish excavated soil management administrative systems to maximise the circular economy opportunity for soil and other excavated materials in in line with the Waste Framework Directive and Soil Strategy. This will be made available through the ISLANDR web site platform.
The online consultation is open until 7 February 2025.
SOILveR coffee break meetings 2025
Webinar series on ‘Integration of Soil Health in decision-making processes at various scales’, from 9:30 – 11:30 CET:
- 24 January: Soil management and Land planning
- 4 April: Recycling brownfields
- 12 September: Contaminated sites
- 7 November: Concept of Technosol
Registration for 24 January 2025 is already open and the program available.
PREPSOIL Webinar on Soil Literacy – 13 February 2025
As part of Mission Soil’s effort to promote soil health, fostering soil literacy across Member States is key to raising awareness and encouraging proactive action. By integrating soil education into school curriculums, the initiative empowers the next generation to protect and restore soils.
Over the past two years, PREPSOIL has gathered exemplary practices in soil pedagogy across the EU. These insights will be shared in a webinar on
‘Soil literacy among young people: Why does it matter and how can educators deal with it?’, 13 February 2025, 15:00 – 16:00 CET
Registration is open and the program available.
PREPSOIL Launches Online Access to Interactive Tools for Living Labs and Lighthouses
The PREPSOIL project has unveiled two transformative online resources: the PREPSOIL Taxonomy and the PREPSOIL Business Model Canvas, both tailored for Living Labs (LLs) and Lighthouses (LHs). These tools provide structured frameworks to drive sustainable impact in soil health initiatives.
The PREPSOIL Taxonomy serves as a dynamic tool for identifying and classifying initiatives aligned with the principles of Living Labs and Lighthouses, working toward soil health under the Mission Soil Implementation Plan.
Complementing the taxonomy, the PREPSOIL Business Model Canvas is a tailor-made tool that helps Living Labs and Lighthouses establish sustainable strategies for long-term success.
More info on the PREPSOIL Interactive Tools
PREPSOIL Report: Advancing Soil Health Through Living Labs and Lighthouses
The PREPSOIL Report on LLs and LHs Taxonomy, Identification, and Mapping is now available. This milestone supports the EU Soil Mission by introducing tools to classify and empower LLs and LHs across Europe, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. Key highlights:
- Taxonomy and User Guide: A classification tool offers a flexible framework to guide Soil Health initiatives, tailoring approaches to local contexts and promoting best practices.
- Classification of LLs and LHs: The taxonomy identifies initiatives as European Soil LLs and LHs (aligned with the Soil Mission) or Emerging LLs and LHs (working towards alignment). This classification will contribute to an online atlas of Soil Health initiatives.
- Assessment Form: Launching in early 2025, this tool helps initiatives evaluate maturity and alignment, driving continuous improvement.
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ITRC: Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CEC) -Identification Framework Training 16 January 2025
In 2023, the ITRC Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CEC) Framework was published to help environmental regulatory agencies and other stakeholders identify, evaluate, and manage CEC's while acknowledging uncertainties in their environmental fate and transport, receptor exposure, and/or toxicity.
The ITRC CEC training presents this entirely new framework: overview, key variables, stakeholder messaging, use of laboratory methods to identify CEC.
Registration for the webinar on 16 January 2025, 6-8 pm (GMT).
Review of national contaminated land management frameworks in front of the new EU Soil Monitoring Law era—the case study of Greece
This study develops a database of best practices and lessons learned in contaminated land management from EU countries to support environmental policymakers in Greece. It also provides valuable insights for other nations, particularly EU members and pre-accession countries like those in the Western Balkans, which still lack a comprehensive contaminated land management framework.
Rather than merely compiling an exhaustive list of best practices, our research focuses on how existing knowledge can be effectively leveraged by countries with less developed contaminated soil management systems. With the upcoming EU Soil Monitoring Law reshaping environmental policies, adopting effective contaminated land management strategies is more crucial than ever. This paper contributes to the discussion by showcasing applicable frameworks and lessons learned, particularly within the Greek context.
PFAS Soil Treatment Processes – A Review of Operating Ranges and Constraints
The unique and diverse properties of PFAS represent complexity and challenges for traditional soil remediation technologies with the need to identify robust, cost effective and sustainable options which are acceptable to all stakeholders. A total of 13 treatment technologies have been systematically evaluated in this report. These include destructive, non-destructive and pathway management approaches and for each treatment technology, technical, operational and commercial factors as well current knowledge gaps have been taken into consideration.
In the European LIFE project PFASTER (PFAS systemic regional approach to Assess Spatial Distribution, Transfer, Exposure and Remediation of widespread pollution), 11 partners are joining forces to tackle PFAS contamination in and around the site of the former paper factory in Willebroek, Belgium, Flanders, while simultaneously protecting the environment.
The project focuses on research, innovative remediation techniques and nature-based solutions. PFASTER started in the autumn of 2024 and will run for five years.
January EmConSoil Webinar Series – reminder
EmConSoil, the multi-stakeholder network for emerging contaminants in soil, is organizing a series of 4 (3 remaining) webinars on emerging soil contaminants every Thursday 12:30-13:30 in January 2025:
- 16 January: Risk Assessment of PFAS
- 23 January: PFAS in Animal and Vegetable Products
- 30 January: Mixture Toxicity
Detailed program and registration
INSOP hybrid workshop 27 January 2025: Tackling soil pollution in cocoa plantations
INSOP, the International Network on Soil Pollution, is pleased to announce the first INSOP event of 2025 on 27 January in Trinidad and Tobago. This hybrid event will address soil pollution in cocoa plantations across Latin America and the Caribbean.
Concept note and workshop agenda
On 28 January, members of the INSOP from EKOS Brasil and the Nicole Foundation will lead a training session focusing on the essential steps for addressing soil pollution, covering Identification of Soil Pollution, Human Health and Environmental Risk Assessment, Developing a Conceptual Site Model (CSM) and Remediation Techniques.
IMPEL open days 2025 webinars - reminder
IMPEL, the European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law, is holding a webinar series in the first quarter of 2025 for information about the IMPEL 2025-2027 Work Programme. This provides an opportunity to explore potential collaboration within the projects and activities, which could benefit your work while also contributing to the enhancement of IMPEL’s initiatives.
- 29 January, 10:00h - 12:05h CET: Water & Land
- 5 February, 10:00h - 12:15h CET: Cross-Cutting Issues & Approaches
- 12 February, 10:00h - 12:00h CET: Waste & TFS
- 19 February, 10:00h - 11:30h CET: Nature Protection
- 5 March, 10:00h - 12:05h CET: Industry & Air
Please register here
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
News 9/24
Trilogue for Soil Monitoring Law – final agreement pending
Interinstitutional negotiations between the European Parliament and Council on the Soil Monitoring Law haltet without an agreement on 12 December 2024. Among the remaining open questions also policy concepts regarding the overarching soil health monitoring and assessment framework are still under intensive debate.
Nevertheless, reasonable progress has been achieved during the Hungarian presidency and the next trilogue meeting is envisaged for taking place early 2025 under the Polish Presidency.
January EmConSoil Webinar Series – sign up
EmConSoil, the multi-stakeholder network for emerging contaminants in soil, is organizing a series of 4 webinars on emerging soil contaminants every Thursday 12:30-13:30 in January 2025:
- 9 January: PFAS Remediation
- 16 January: Risk Assessment of PFAS
- 23 January: PFAS in Animal and Vegetable Products
- 30 January: Mixture Toxicity
Detailed program and registration here
IMPEL open days 2025 webinars
IMPEL, the European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law, is an independent non-profit association registered in Brussels under Belgian Law. It is recognised by the European Commission for its significant role in the implementation of EU law.
A webinars series will be held in the first quarter of 2025 for information about the IMPEL 2025-2027 Work Programme. This provides an opportunity to explore potential collaboration within the projects and activities, which could benefit your work while also contributing to the enhancement of IMPEL’s initiatives.
- 29 January, 10:00h - 12:05h CET: Water & Land
- 5 February, 10:00h - 12:15h CET: Cross-Cutting Issues & Approaches
- 12 February, 10:00h - 12:00h CET: Waste & TFS
- 19 February, 10:00h - 11:30h CET: Nature Protection
- 5 March, 10:00h - 12:05h CET: Industry & Air
Please register here
SoilWise project - Stakeholder engagement
SoilWise Project (open access knowledge and data repository to safeguard soils) will provide an integrated and actionable access point to scattered and heterogeneous soil data and knowledge in Europe, making them FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) and improve trust, willingness, and ability to share and re-use soil data and knowledge.
In three project development cycles and seven work packages, co-creation and co-validation by multi-stakeholder groups are the centre of project activities.
To make a soil repository that has added value to users and stakeholders, SoilWise wants to set up an interactive stakeholder network, considering national, supranational and subnational initiatives across Europe, to increase awareness and interactive support from stakeholders and therefore increase the impact of the SoilWise Repository. It is designed to be a joint starting point for soil information and a common ground for countries, the European Commission, researchers and other stakeholders to jointly guide informed decision-making on soil towards the 2030 goals of the Green Deal.
Engage as a stakeholder HERE
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
News 8/24
Soil Pollution in the Western Balkans
The JRC report on ‘Soil pollution in the Western Balkans’ aims to support the JRC’s efforts to fill information gaps on soil pollution across the Western Balkans based on an extensive review of the current evidence base of the state of Western Balkans soils. This work is part of the JRC project “Environment and Climate in Enlargement” and contributes particularly in developing a soil pollution database and supporting capacity building for the Green Agenda.
The extent of contamination in the region is difficult to determine precisely, although some countries, like Serbia, have made initial estimates. Soil contamination is a significant issue resulting from over a century of industrialization. Inadequate waste management remains a significant contributor to soil pollution despite efforts to improve legislation.
Download the report HERE.
14th International SedNet Conference 2025
The 14th International SedNet Conference 2025 will take place from 6–10 October 2025 in Madrid, Spain. At the conference, abstracts for a series of sessions aiming to explore different challenges and proposed solutions related to the theme “Healthy Sediments” are welcome.
The Call for Abstracts has been extended and will close 17 January 2025.
INSOP annual meeting 2024 – recordings and presentations available
The recordings and presentations of the 2nd International Network on Soil Pollution
(INSOP) annual meeting from 26-28 November 2024 are available HERE.
The call for hosts for the 3rd INSOP annual meeting 2025 is now open to all interested partners jointly with the Global Soil Partnership and the FAO office in your country. Kindly send your application by 31 December 2024 to:
European Mission Soil Week 2024 – recordings and presentations available
The recordings and presentations of the European Mission Soil Week 2024 ‘Leading the Transition Towards Healthy Soils’ from 12-13 November 2024 in Brussels are available HERE.
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) – Newsletter
- ESDAC Newsletter No. 171 (November 2024)
- ESDAC Newsletter No. 170 (October 2024)
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
News 7/24
2024 State of Soils in Europe Report
A new report from the European Commission displays the state of soil degradation across the EU and other countries in the European Economic Area, including Ukraine, Turkey, and the Western Balkans. This report is a collaboration between the Joint Research Centre and the European Environment Agency. It sets out the scale of the problem facing Europe today, but it also aims to reinforce and build capacities among the soil research community, while enhancing the engagement of soil users and society.
Read the full report
AquaConSoil 2025 – call for abstracts
The call for abstracts for AquaConSoil 2025 (16-20 June 2025, Liège, Belgium), is open until 22 November 2024 via the official website. Abstracts are welcome in various thematic areas, including contaminated land management, water quality and climate change adaption:
- Theme 1: Soil-Sediment-Water (SSW) Systems Management
- Theme 2: Innovative Strategies for Sustainable Remediation
- Theme 3: Enhanced Digitalisation
- Theme 4: Integrating Multidimensional Perspectives
Early bird tickets are already available.
ecoforum Brisbane 2025
The Australasian Land & Groundwater (ALGA) is pleased to announce its biennial conference ecoforum in Australia, Brisbane, 28 – 30 October 2025.
The Call for Committee is now Open and will close on 29 November 2024.
SOILveR coffee break meeting ‘SOIL Monitoring, Ecological Risk Assessment and Ecosystem services evaluation under EU funded EDAPHOS project’
29 November 2024, 11:30-12:15 - online
Registration is already open and the program available
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) – Newsletter
- ESDAC Newsletter No. 169 (September 2024)
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
News 6/24
Webinar: Managing Mercury - Lessons Learnt
Empowering regulators globally
ALGA (Australasian Land + Groundwater Association) and COMMON FORUM organize a webinar on “Managing Mercury - Lessons Learnt - Empowering regulators globally” on 1 October 2024, 8 am CEST (4 pm AEST, 7 pm NZDT). Please note: this webinar is for Regulators and Government personnel only.
Event information and registration
INSOP workshop on threshold values for soil contaminants
The International Network on Soil Pollution (INSOP), together with its partners from the Common Forum and the ARAGORN project, organize an online workshop on soil pollution threshold values, Thursday 3 October 2024, 12:00-14:00 CEST. The workshop will explore the methodologies for the creation of a global database of soil threshold values and launch the development of a Global Soil Pollution Threshold Values Technical Report under the Global Soil Partnership.
Agenda and registration for the INSOP WS
European Commission (DG ENV) Interactive Webinar: Private Finance for Healthy Soils
This webinar on 24 October 2024, 14:00-16:15 CET explores how to increase investment flows to finance the prevention of soil degradation and the restoration of soil health, in particular opportunities for private finance investments. This is an action envisaged in the EU Soil Strategy for 2030.
Different sources of funding and financial mechanisms relevant to enabling the transition towards the vision of healthy soils across the EU by 2050 are discussed. This action is also relevant in the context of the proposal of the Commission on a Soil Monitoring Law to protect and restore soils and ensure that they are used sustainably.
Registration and further details
ECHA gets a role supporting the Industrial Emissions Directive
The revised Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) regulates emissions from industrial installations and includes new tasks for the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).
Using the information from their databases, ECHA will provide lists of hazardous substances that are potentially used in the relevant industry sectors, extract substance-related information, characterise uses of those substances by sector and provide expert support on chemicals management.
A 1 billion euro mission: A Soil Deal for Europe
The EU Soil Observatory (EUSO) used the latest state-of-the-art pan-European datasets to propose a preliminary assessment of soil health in the EU based on 18 soil degradation proxy indicators. The body of knowledge will soon be enriched thanks to the investment of 1 billion euros towards the Mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’, which has the ambition to promote the development of new harmonized bottom-up and top-down soil health indicators. New data and knowledge are also anticipated through the national soil monitoring schemes to support the implementation of the Soil Monitoring Law. The Soil Mission roadmap is presented and the EUSO Soil Health Dashboard was introduced, a soil degradation indicator tool using soil health indicators developed by the European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) (2012–2023) that will contribute to Soil Monitoring Law assessments.
European Mission Soil Week 2024
The European Mission Soil Week 2024 that will be held on 12-13 November 2024 in Brussels, Belgium. The plenary sessions will be livestreamed.
These two days will include keynote interventions, the presentation of the first Mission Soil Living Labs, engaging discussions, networking activities, and field visits.
The event will be followed by exclusive clusters meetings on 14 November 2024, dedicated to Mission Soil funded projects.
Register here for the European Mission Soil Week 2024
14th SedNet Conference 2025 - Call for Abstracts
For the SedNet conference 2025 in Madrid, Spain from 6 to 10 October 2025 abstracts for a series of sessions aiming to explore different challenges and proposed solutions related to the theme "Healthy Sediments: What Are They and How Can They Be Achieved?" can be submitted on:
- Zero Pollution
- Sediment Flows
- Nature Based Solutions
- Sediment Literacy & Citizen Science
- Data Collecting, Sharing and AI
- Sediment Management Concepts and Policy
Call for abstracts until 24 November 2024
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) – Newsletter
- ESDAC Newsletter No. 168 (August 2024)
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
News 5/24
AquaConSoil 2025 – themes and topics
The topics for AquaConSoil 2025 (16-20 June 2025, Liège, Belgium), have been announced:
- Soil and Water Systems Management
- Innovative Strategies for Sustainable Remediation
- Enhanced Digitalisation
- Integrating Multidimensional Perspectives
The submission for abstracts will open in September 2024.
Call for interest: Sustainathon 2024
RemTech Europe will host “Sustainathon 2024” between 24 and 25 September 2024 – a 24 hour marathon of speakers from around the world who will brief us on what is special and inspiring about how their country is progressing towards one, more or all the SDGs - especially any activities or initiatives that others may be inspired by and even adopt for themselves.
Free registration to the Sustainathon 2024
For proposing yourself as a speaker send an E-mail to:
PREPSOIL: mobile app now available
In June 2024, the PREPSOIL project launched the PREPSOIL Mobile App, a free digital solution helping citizens acquire knowledge on soil and support European universities, institutions, and soil initiatives with real-life insights.
Through the App every user can access the Knowledge Hub, the LL/LH map, and the PREPSOIL TV. In addition, all users have the chance to participate in exciting SOIL QUESTS to become active players in expanding knowledge on soil!
More information and app download
CL:AIRE publishes a report on Interim Category 4 Screening Levels for PFAS
This report presents interim Category 4 Screening Levels (C4SLs) for four perfluoroalkyl substances: PFOA, PFNA, PFHxS and PFOS. The report includes sections on background information on PFAS, a toxicological review from which Low Levels of Toxicological Concern (LLTCs) are identified, exposure modelling aspects for the generic land-uses under consideration, and a section on the interim C4SLs for the four PFAS.
Online Workshop on Soil Pollution Threshold Values: Save-the-date
Thursday, 3 October 2024, 12-14 CEST
Jointly organised by the International Network on Soil pollution (INSOP), the project ARAGORN (lead by the University of Copenhagen & funded by the European Union), and COMMON FORUM on Contaminated Land in Europe, this online workshop aims to discuss the best approaches how to derive soil threshold values and to envision a global database (on the mid to long run).
Further details will be communicated soon.
PFAS Management Strategies in the United States, European Union and Australia
Live Webinar: Monday, August 26, 2024, 14:00-16:00 GMT (10:00AM-12:00PM EDT)
Sponsored by: U.S. EPA and Common Forum on Contaminated Land
PFAS Soil Treatment Processes – A Review of Operating Ranges and Constraints
The Concawe Report Nº 8/24 systematically evaluates 13 PFAS treatment technologies. These include destructive, non-destructive and pathway management approaches and for each treatment technology, technical, operational and commercial factors as well current knowledge gaps have been taken into consideration.
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) – Newsletter
- ESDAC Newsletter No. 167 (July 2024)
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
News 4/24
Soil Monitoring Law: Parliament and Environment Council set out measures to achieve healthy soils by 2050
On 10 April 2024, EU Parliament adopted its position (including 216 amendments) on the Commission proposal for a Soil Monitoring Law at first reading, with 336 votes to 242 and 33 abstentions.
Following up on 17 June 2024, during the Environment Council, Environment Ministers reached an agreement and approved a general approach towards the EU Soil Monitoring Law, with 25 positive votes and 2 abstentions.
The upcoming Hungarian presidency envisages to maintain the further political process as best as possible. The general approach reached by the Council will allow to start talks with the European Parliament on the final shape of the text. Trilogue negotiations are expected to start under the new legislative cycle.
Link to texts adopted by resolution of the European Parliament (10 April 2024)
Link to EU Councils general approach on the soil monitoring law (17 June 2024)
Soil degradation indicators in the EU
A Pan-EU assessment of soil degradation based on the 19 latest state-of-the-art indicators is available and demonstrated in the EUSO Soil Degradation Dashboard. In terms of soil contamination, maps can be developed for arsenic, copper, mercury, zinc and cadmium.
Inconsistencies in the EU regulatory risk assessment of PFAS call for readjustment
The study critically reviews the European approach for the risk assessment of PFAS, by applying a comparative analysis of the current and pending regulatory thresholds issued for these chemicals in water bodies, drinking water, and certain foodstuffs. The study shows that the level of health protection embedded in the studied thresholds may differ by three orders of magnitude, even in similar exposure settings. No consensus was observed on the appropriate level of required health protection regarding PFAS and that the recently adopted tolerable intake value in the EU is too cautious. Some simple solutions are proposed on how the studied regulations and their implicit PFAS thresholds or their application could be improved. Providing the member states with the flexibility to consider case-specific factors in their national regulatory procedures would likely result in more sustainable management of environmental PFAS without compromising the scientific foundation of risk assessment, the legitimacy of the EU policy framework and public health.
CL:AIRE publishes a report on Interim Category 4 Screening Levels for PFAS
This report presents interim Category 4 Screening Levels (C4SLs) for four perfluoroalkyl substances: PFOA, PFNA, PFHxS and PFOS. The report includes sections on background information on PFAS, a toxicological review from which Low Levels of Toxicological Concern (LLTCs) are identified, exposure modelling aspects for the generic land-uses under consideration, and a section on the interim C4SLs for the four PFAS.
US National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for PFAS
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), on April 10, 2024, issued a final rule establishing National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR) for per- and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) chemicals.
See the following link
Substance flow analysis of PFASs in Denmark
The objective of the study from February 2024 is to establish an overview of the substance flow of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) through Danish society by combining information on uses, releases to the environment, recovery, deposition, destruction and accumulation in society and to support the prioritization of the Danish PFAS efforts in the coming years.
See the following link
CL:AIRE publishes MNA and NSZD guidance documents
CL:AIRE is delighted to announce the publication of two new guidance documents:
- Guidance on the Assessment and Monitoring of Natural Attenuation of Contaminants in Groundwater
- Guidance on Natural Source Zone Depletion
The Environment Agency originally published technical guidance for MNA in 2000. Since then, significant scientific advances have been made in understanding contaminant behaviour and reactive transport in the subsurface, alongside ongoing developments in site characterisation, monitoring and predictive modelling approaches and technologies, that are captured in this updated guidance.
Natural source zone depletion (NSZD) can be a sustainable risk-management strategy for petroleum hydrocarbon light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs) impacting the subsurface. Recent advances in NSZD are captured in the second document, alongside a decision-making framework, to provide technical guidance and practical considerations.
Both documents were made possible thanks to Environment Agency seed funding and have been reviewed and supported by the following: Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales, Scottish Environment Protection Agency and the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA), an agency within the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA).
Advances in the Characterisation and Remediation of Sites Contaminated with Petroleum Hydrocarbons
The recently released book 'Advances in the Characterisation and Remediation of Sites Contaminated with Petroleum Hydrocarbons' (Springer-Nature, 2024), co-edited by Laureate Professor Ravi Naidu and Legion Drilling’s Jonas Garcia-Rincon, among others, describes latest advances and current state-of-practice in the management of petroleum-impacted sites.
For downloading follow the link
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) – Newsletter
- ESDAC Newsletter No.166 (June 2024)
- ESDAC Newsletter No.165 (May 2024)
- ESDAC Newsletter No.164 (April 2024)
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
News 3/24
Horizon Europe – Work Programme 2024 now available
For the Soil Mission, nine topics with a budget of 134.5 million € are available for project proposals. The call opens on 8 May, the submission deadline is 8 October 2024. Complementary, the EC organises Mission Info Days on 25-26 April 2024 as well as a Missions Brokerage Event on 21-22 Mai 2024, both in online mode.
SedNet Working Groups Workshop and Meeting
SedNet working groups CE and Sediment Quality will be joining forces to host a collaborative workshop from 4–5 June 2024 in Hamburg, Germany. Registration is open until 13 May 2024.
Link to the Program and Registration
TERRAenVISION conference 2024 – call for abstracts
TERRAenVISION conference takes place from 8–11 July 2024 in Valencia, Spain and covers five themes related to this year’s topic: ‘Nature-Based Solutions to facilitate the transition for living within the Planetary Boundaries’:
- Nature-based solutions for agriculture and natural areas (soil, water and landscape)
- Nature-based solutions for natural hazards (fire, floods and droughts)
- Nature-based solutions for urban and industrial areas (soil, water and spatial planning)
- Methodologies: how to measure processes and impact of nature-based solutions
- Science brokers for transitioning to a climate resilient and circular society.
Call for abstracts is open until 1 June 2024
NORDROCS 2024 - registration now open
NORDROCS conference from 9–12 September 2024 in Uppsala, Sweden aims to share knowledge and foster new relationships between professionals within the field of contaminated sites in the Nordic countries and Europe. It is a joint event by Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway and this year also Iceland. The topics range from PFAS to sediments over soil investigation, indoor air, digital tools, remediation to soil as a resource.
RemTech Europe 2024 - date changed to 16–20 September 2024
RemTech Europe, International Conference and Exhibition on land and water remediation markets and technologies is scheduled for 16–20 September 2024 (changed from 23–27 September 2024). The first two days of the conference will be fully digital, and streamed. The following three days will be hybrid with in-person platform presentations and broadcast online.
The conference takes place in Ferrara, Italy, is fully in English and participation for all attendees is free of charge.
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) – Newsletter
ESDAC Newsletter No.163 (March 2024)
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
News 2/24
Knowledge Centre Innovative Remediation Solutions (KIS) launched in Antwerp (Flanders; Belgium)
Flanders has created the Knowledge Center for Innovative Remediation Techniques (Kenniscentrum Innovatieve Saneringstechnieken - KIS vzw) with the goal of becoming a leader in addressing and remediating chemical pollution in soil, water, and air. This new partnership led by VITO will operate in a novel field and is primarily tasked with developing, testing, elaborating, and scaling up innovative remediation and purification techniques for Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs, like PFAS) within the domains of water, air, and soil. This knowledge center has been launched by an international event on Tackling PFAS pollution.
Austrian Contaminated Sites Remediation Act: Amendment passes Council of Ministers
An amendment to the Austrian Contaminated Sites Remediation Act passed the Council of Ministers on 31 January 2024 and has been submitted to the National Parliament. According to the Minister of Environment, the main aim is to simplify the financing of soil protection measures.
In future, investigations and remediation measures on derelict and moderately contaminated industrial sites will also be financed from the funds even if they are not classified as contaminated sites according to the law. This would simplify the reuse of previously used land while reducing land take. The burden to remediate contaminated areas on derelict sites could thus be reduced due to these new subsidies, especially if the contamination is not sufficient to classify the area as a contaminated site.
The next step will be the voting in the National Parliament. Tentative entry into force is 1 January 2025.
ECHA launches new chemicals database
ECHA CHEM is ECHA’s new public chemicals database launched in early 2024. Initially, it includes data that companies have submitted in their REACH registrations. Over the coming years, ECHA will gradually transfer the data it makes publicly available from their current location (Search for chemicals) to ECHA CHEM.
Read more about the new ECHA CHEM database, the timeline for the main releases and their features under this Link.
Geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland
The Geochemical Soil Atlas of Switzerland has been published in December 2023, showing the spatial distribution and most important statistical parameters of 20 elements, as well as the soil parameters pH, organic carbon, nitrogen and texture of the topsoil. The Atlas was established based on a resolution of around one site per 35 km². It represents a snapshot at the time of establishment of the element concentrations in the topsoil. The interpolated maps are used to visualise regions with high or low concentrations, but no site-specific information can be derived. They primarily represent possible natural pollution. However, diffuse inputs cannot be completely ruled out (e.g. the known influence of fertilisers on the background concentration of Zn and Cd).
Analysis of sustainable remediation techniques and technologies based on 10 European case studies
10 European case studies were analyzed to identify trends, drivers, and key success factors of how sustainable remediation is being implemented. They show the importance of conceptual site models in remediation strategy discussion and development and the importance of a team-based approach to the work of site managers toward achieving robust progress and agreed endpoints. Stakeholder engagement is also important to making robust sustainability assessments because, in many cases, the comparison made, whether qualitative or semiquantitative, is opinion-based. Positive engagement with regulators as a part of the sustainability assessment process is key to a successful outcome and should be encouraged where possible.
EPA updated Soil Lead Guidance for CERCLA Sites and RCRA Corrective Action Facilities
EPA updates to guidance for lead in residential soil at CERCLA (also known as Superfund) sites and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act corrective action facilities. EPA is lowering recommended screening levels and strengthening guidance for investigating and cleaning up lead-contaminated soil in residential areas where children live and play. EPA makes cleanup decisions specific to each site, using site-specific factors, including risk factors and community input that can vary from site to site.
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) – Newsletter
- ESDAC Newsletter No.162 (February 2024)
- ESDAC Newsletter No.161 (January 2024)
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
News 1/24
EU Council & SML proposal - state-of-play
End of 2023 exchanges regarding ECs proposal for a EU Soil Monitoring and Resilience Directive (EU SML) at the EU Council took speed. As a result a compromise text has been developed under the Spanish presidency. Following this milestone exchanges among Member States are planned to keep on intensive. The new EU presidency Belgium envisages an ambitious effort for keeping the momentum for agreeing a general approach.
See the link: The Council as an EU decision maker
IMPEL project "Water and Land Remediation" – call for case studies on Biopile and In Situ Chemical Reduction
Within the IMPEL project “Water and Land Remediation 2022-24”, the project team has prepared two questionnaires related to "Biopile" and "In Situ Chemical Reduction" technologies, which will be the subject of the next phase of the project. You are invited to submit your case studies and share this with your colleagues, using the following template, preferably in .docx format. Not necessarily all questions are relevant. The names of the submitters will be mentioned in the acknowledgement.
The deadline for submission is 29 February 2024, the template should be sent to Marco Falconi (, with the subject "Biopile" or "In Situ Chemical Reduction".
Questionnaire for “Biopile”: Link
Questionnaire for “In Situ Chemical Reduction": Link
Project page IMPEL website: Link
REMTECH EUROPE 2024 – Call for Abstracts
RemTech Europe, International Conference and Exhibition on land and water remediation markets and technologies, is scheduled for 23-27 September 2024. The first two days (23-24 September) will be fully digital, the other days (25-27 September) will be hybrid (Ferrara, Italy and online).
The Call for Abstract is open until 31 March 2024. To submit your abstract and participate to the official sessions of RemTech Expo, please download the Call for Abstract (Link) and the official Template for submitting a short abstract (Link) or an extended abstract (Link).
Sustainathon 2024 – the 24 hours marathon of speakers – is scheduled from 24 to 25 September 2024 for seeing how countries are implementing the SDGs. Propose a subject by sending an abstract to
2nd PREPSOIL Call for Best Teaching Practices for Healthy Soils
For the 2nd time, PREPSOIL project offers the opportunity to spread good teaching practices, give visibility to your work and inspire younger generations on how to take care of soils.
10 stories will be selected (5 kindergarten & primary schools, 5 will secondary school/vocational training) and the winners awarded.
The “Call for Good Examples of Soil Education” aims to identify and promote best practices of youth soil education, training and co-learning in soil health, as well as connecting and promoting exemplary soil health education practices, to increase understanding of soils by the public at large.
Submit your teaching practice till 31 January 2024 under this Link For more information.
Sustainable remediation case studies – new publications available
Case Studies and Analysis of Sustainable Remediation Techniques and Technologies. Sweeney, R., Bardos, P and Harries, N. (2023) Report no. 11/23. CONCAWE, Belgium.
Analysis of sustainable remediation techniques and technologies based on 10 European case studies. Sweeney, R., Harries, N., Bardos, P and Vaiopoulou, E. (2024) Remediation Journal 34 (2) ee21773
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) – Newsletter
- ESDAC Newsletter No.160 (December 2023)
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
News 16/23
Soil Monitoring Law – Environment Council, 18 December 2023
EU Ministers held a policy debate on a proposal for the EU soil monitoring law. They welcomed the proposal and agreed with the importance of having joint legislative frame focused for soil. They exchanged views on how the proposed soil monitoring framework could help improve soil health within the foreseen timeframe and on the level of ambition in tackling soil contamination. For the public session follow the link to the comments of each EU Member State:
EU Taxonomy – Environmental Delegated Act published in 24 EU languages
The EU taxonomy is a cornerstone of the EU’s sustainable finance framework and an important market transparency tool (read more HERE). By December 2023 the subsequent Environmental Delegated Act has been published (find the 24 EU language versions HERE). Through Art. 3 and in particular Annex III the regulation provides for technical screening criteria for determining the conditions under which economic activities qualify substantially to pollution prevention and control. Here two (out of six) selected economic activities directly relate to contaminated land management and getting addressed as
- remediation of legally non-conforming landfills or illegal waste dumps (Annex III; Activity 2.3) and
- remediation of contaminated sites and areas (Annex III; Activity 2.4)
The specific activity descriptions are process-oriented and detailed. Moreover, it is also recommendable to read out for the tables on technical screening criteria, introducing a risk-based approach in a comprehensive manner and terminology.
European Mission Soil Week 2023 – event material available
The European Mission Soil Week was held from 21 – 23 November 2023 with discussions on the challenges for making and keeping EU soils healthy. The presentations and recordings are now available under:
NOVASOIL project highlights the benefits for the society and the environment from the investment in soil health and sustainable management. The main expected outcome is a toolbox for the analysis of suitability of different business cases that promote soil health taking into account among others the reuse of land.
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) – Newsletter
- ESDAC Newsletter No.159 (November 2023)
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
News 15/23
Tackling PFAS pollution: a pro-active and systemic approach & Knowledge Centre Launch: Innovative Remediation Techniques
In the context of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the Flemish government would like to invite you to share your expertise on and gain new insights into:
- Phasing out of PFAS and products containing PFAS,
- Prevention and reduction of emissions and losses,
- Monitoring and minimizing the spread of pollution and exposure to the population,
- Soil remediation and PFAS waste management,
- Protecting public health and Risk Communication
During the PFAS event on 1-2 February 2024 in Antwerp, Belgium, the region of Flanders would like to create an international forum where expertise and knowledge on PFAS can be exchanged in an inspiring environment, where possibly joint actions can be taken.
Program and registration under this link
Concawe report: Case Studies and Analysis of Sustainable Remediation Techniques and Technologies
The report aims to fill in a recognised gap in the provision of detailed case studies documenting the practical implementation of sustainable remediation, and facilitate further refinement of guidance. Concawe commissioned CL:AIRE to a) gather, prepare and publish ten European case studies that demonstrate sustainable remediation techniques and technologies and b) provide an analysis of the case studies to identify key success factors.
A cross comparison analysis focused on the following attributes: site location and type of site (former use); saturated / unsaturated zone impact; targeted contaminants; risk drivers; envisaged land use; objectives for sustainability assessment; remediation options compared; stakeholder engagement; boundary conditions; scope (environmental, economic, social); key constraints / opportunities; and assessment type (qualitative, semi-quantitative etc.). A practical approach for deploying sustainable remediation on operational sites has been proposed.
Download the report here
Ten CL:AIRE Concawe Case Study Bulletins are available to download individually at
Introduction to Sustainable Remediation Bulletin
SuRF-UK publishes the bulletin "Introduction to Sustainable Remediation" and introduces the concepts of sustainable remediation and some of the main guidance and tools available on this subject. It is prepared for anyone with an interest in applying sustainability principles to land contamination risk management.
ARAGORN - Achieving Remediation And GOverning Restoration of contaminated soils Now
The EU Horizon Europe project ARAGORN focusses on remediation of persistent contaminants in soil and ecological restoration. It is addressing the critical need for immediate action towards restoration and remediation for polluted soils, by selecting contaminated sites with specific characteristics, assess persistent pollutants interferences and develop site-specific solutions and tools.
ARAGORN uses a multi-dimensional strategy, encompassing scientific research, data collection, site selection, and an in-depth collaboration with stakeholders, particularly site owners. Its ultimate vision is to ensure simplicity and clear guidance for site owners throughout Europe to have restore their polluted soils.
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) – Newsletter
- ESDAC Newsletter No.158 (October 2023)
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
News 14/23
3rd EU Soil Observatory Stakeholders Forum —EUSO Working Groups Meetings
The third EUSO Stakeholders Forum will take place in two parts:
- Working Groups meetings, 15-17 November (online) and
- European Mission Soil Week, Madrid - Spain, 21-23 November (physical meeting).
The EUSO Technical Working Groups (TWGs) will meet to discuss technical advances on the following topics: Soil Erosion, Soil Carbon MRV, Soil Pollution, Soil Monitoring, Soil data sharing and Soil Biodiversity. The draft agenda is available . Registration to the online TWG meetings is open:
EUSOFORUM TWGs registration link
The European Mission Soil Week is an annual event aimed at promoting the Horizon Europe Mission 'A Soil Deal for Europe' (Mission Soil) raising awareness about the importance of soil health, and driving action to protect and restore our soils.
European Soil Mission Week registration link
ENSOr Conference – Call for Abstracts
The 5th edition of ENSOr Conference (Emerging policy challenges on New SOil contaminants) is taking place on 14 and 15th of March 2024 in Brussels, Belgium, on the challenges related to diffuse soil pollution with emerging contaminants.
Abstract submission until 15 November 2023 under this link
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) – Newsletter
- ESDAC Newsletter No.157 (September 2023)
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
News 13/23
Translations of EC’s proposal for a Soil Monitoring Law & public feedback
Since 21 September 2023 translations into all EU official languages of the ECs proposal for a EU Soil Monitoring and Resilience Directive (Soil Monitoring Law) are now available.
Proposal for a Soil Monitoring Law
A public consultation is ongoing and open for feedback until 3 November 2023:
Have your say for Soil health - protecting sustainably managing and restoring EU soils.
The Information-based Strategies for Land Remediation (ISLANDR) Horizon Europe research activities are designed to provide tools and methods to support: (1) the delineation of polluted soils across Europe, (2) an evidence-based assessment of the risks posed by polluted soils, (3) the promotion of sustainable and risk-based land management practices, (4) the inclusion of a wider valuation approach in financial and investment cases, (5) a closer integration of land contamination and spatial planning decision-making and overall to (6) deliver key policy-relevant findings related to the Soil Strategy, the proposed Soil Health Law, and other areas of policy where soils are crucial.
In order to road-test the project’s findings, seven ISLANDR test areas (ITAs) across Europe have been identified. The ITAs have been selected to cover different land use types, such as urban, peri-urban, rural, agro-forestry, mining, wetlands and coastal areas. The ITAs are characterized by both point and diffuse sources of pollution, as well as by different soil pollution types, such as organic, inorganic, as well as contaminants of emerging concern.
Decision Support Tool NWE-SMARTX
The decision support tool called NWE-SMARTX. It is an open source application based on artificial intelligence that suggests innovative valorization paths for the materials present on former metallurgical sites and deposits. The valorised materials can be: minerals, metals and eco-catalysts.
- Objective: give technical recommendations for valorisation based on the site and material characteristics
- Content: 5 distinct predictive modules: Geophysics, Metals, Minerals, Excavation and Ecocatalysis
Downlaod the tool after registration under NWE-SMARTX | SPAQUE
Presentation and guidelines on how to use the tool under NWE Regeneratis | SPAQUE
Optimizing Remediation Technologies
To ensure that progress is made toward achieving cleanup standards through active remediation, technology-specific guidance for optimizing 15 selected remedial technologies is presented in a user guide developed by the Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC). For each technology, a description, an example performance plot, and a summary of common operational problems and corresponding optimization recommendations are presented.
Optimizing Remediation Technologies User Guide
Geostats2024 – 12th International Geostatistics Congress
The Geostats2024 – 12th International Geostatistics Congress will take place from 2-6 September 2024 in Ponta Delgada – Azores, Portugal. The registration is now open with an early-bird registration fee under
Abstract submission opens on 2 October 2023.
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
News 12/23
SOILUZIOAK 2023 Congress
The Basque Country organizes SOILUZIOAK 2023 - a unique congress on soil protection on 10 and 11 October 2023 at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao.
On 10 October the focus lies on the European soil protection scenario with sessions on the EU Soil Strategy for 2030, the Soil Health Act, the ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy and subsequent field trips.
Soil protection given society’s challenges will be the theme on 11 October addressing the cost of the deterioration of this resource for people, their health and the economy, along with its impact on climate and biodiversity.
The Congress will thus contribute to the effective deployment of the Basque Soil Protection Strategy 2030 by means of fostering a collaborative spirit and knowledge sharing.
Basque Soil Protection Strategy 2030
The Basque Soil Protection Strategy 2030, released in June 2022, is available in English under:
Basque Soil Protection Strategy 2030
PROMISCES at the AquaConSoil 2023
The EU-funded PROMISCES project (Preventing Recalcitrant Organic Mobile Industrial chemicalS for Circular Economy in the Soil-sediment-water system) will identify how industrial pollution prevents the development of a circular economy in the EU and detect strategies to overcome the principal bottlenecks. The project aims to enhance the ability to detect and monitor persistent, mobile and potentially toxic iPM(T) chemicals in the soil-sediment-water system and investigate sources of PM substances released from soil, sediments, landfills and wastewater treatment plants and via urban runoff into relevant natural systems. The project implements seven case studies to test novel technologies for the removal of iPM(T)s under real-life conditions in six European countries.
During the AquaConSoil conference in Prague (11 -15 September 2023), multiple presentations by PROMISCES partners will take place.
PROMISCES Work Package 5 organizes a Stakeholder Workshop on 13 September 2023, 11-12:30. The workshop aims to introduce and deliberate on the prototype for a Decision Support Framework (DSF) that addresses the management of iPM(T)s (additional information is available in the attached flyer).
European Soil Mission Week 2023
The Horizon Europe Mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’ (Mission Soil), the EU Soil Observatory Stakeholders’ Forum (EUSO), and the EU-funded PREPSOIL project are holding the first edition of the annually European Mission Soil Week. The event will take place on 21-23 November 2023 in Madrid, Spain.
The EUSO Working groups meetings will take place online the week before (15-17 November 2023). Further details and registration guidelines will follow.
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) - Newsletter
- ESDAC Newsletter No.156 (August 2023)
- ESDAC Newsletter No.155 (July 2023)
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
News 11/23
EJP SOIL Webinar - EU Proposal for a Law on Soil
The recording of the 1 hour EJP Soil webinar from 11 July 2023 with key note speaker Mirco Barbero, Team leader of the Soil and Sustainable Land Use Department of DG Environment, presenting the overview of The EU Proposal for a Law on Soil, is now available.
EJP Soil Webinar - EU Proposal for a Soil Monitoring Law
ECA Report “EU efforts for sustainable soil management – unambitious standards and limited targeting”
The European Court of Auditors (ECA) has published a new special report 19/2023 “EU efforts for sustainable soil management – unambitious standards and limited targeting”:
Mission Soil Topic "Soil Pollution Processes" – partner search
The current call for proposals of Mission Soil is still open and submissions are possible until 20 September 2023.
A project consortium around the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa is still looking for partners for a planned project submission. The project aim is to carry out a comprehensive scenario analysis at the EU level on the impact of key drivers on soil pollution by an integrated modelling system that seamlessly links all three environmental compartments (soil, air, water). Cross-connect with the Soil Mission pillars of soil monitoring and soil literacy.
If you are interested in participating in the project, please contact Ms. Nazaré Couto directly (
You are also welcome to forward the request to interested colleagues.
Mission Soil Topic "Soil Pollution Processes"
NICOLE Foundation
The NICOLE Foundation, established in February 2023, is a private foundation that works with Governments, NGOs, Funders and Volunteers to clean up legacy pollution which poses an immediate and serious threat to ecosystems and people in cases where the polluter pays principle is not achievable.
It relies on the effective partnerships between the stakeholders necessary to address legacy industrial pollution and can be supported either as donors, volunteers or partners.
ReCon Soil Project
The ReCon Soil project (April 2021 – June 2023) sought to further develop the reuse of surplus materials from the construction industry, considering soil function beyond geotechnical characteristics. Several toolkits are available under this link:
MIBIREM – Toolbox for Microbiome based Remediation
In the EU-funded MIBIREM project 11 project partners work on the development of tools and methods (toolbox) to enhance bioremediation of organic contaminants in soil and groundwater.
As conventional soil remediation is often not affordable or inefficient, MIBIREM uses biotechnological remediation of contaminated sites. MIBIREM employs the use of living organisms, mostly bacteria, in the removal of contaminants. It will adapt and streamline microbiome science, creating and applying an innovative technological toolbox to identify, analyse, cultivate and upscale microbiomes, while ensuring safety and policy alignment.
13th SedNet Conference 2023 - Sediment continuum: applying an integrated management approach
6 - 8 September 2023 – Lisbon, Spain
SedNet Conference 2023 Program & Registration
AquaConSoil 2023 - Ticketing has opened
11 – 15 September 2023 – Prague, Czech Republic:
AquaConSoil 2023 Tickets & Topics
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
News 10/23
Assessment of the State of Soil Health in Europe: Call for contributions
The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) together with the European Environmental Agency (EEA) is looking for contributing authors for the preparation of its Assessment of the State of Soil Health in Europe.
The resulting Science for Policy report will consist of a fully evidenced, spatially organized assessment of pressures affecting soil health, with high relevance to the implementation of the future Soil Health Law. It will also serve as a basis for the European Chapter of FAO's Status of the World's Soil Resources (SWSR) report planned for 2025.
For contribution and important dates, please fill and submit the form until 7 July 2023 under this Link to the call for contributors .
First meeting of the International Network on Soil Pollution (INSOP) – presentations available
The first INSOP meeting took place online from 13-15 June 2023 to give review of the progress done by the network, discuss and identify the priorities, develop the work plan for 2023-2024. Several presentations are now available:
INSOP 1st Meeting Presentations
EUSO Annual Bulletin - 2022 activities
This report presents the activities of the EU Soil Observatory (EUSO) during 2022. Through its five main objectives, the EUSO contributes to improving the monitoring of soils, to creating and sharing knowledge and data about EU soils, in particular producing tailored outputs in support of policy development and to the wider public. EUSO provided extensive policy support to a range of policy areas, notably the upcoming Soil Health Law and the Horizon Europe’s Soil Mission. A key element of the EU Soil Observatory are the six EUSO Working Groups (e.g. Soil Pollution WGs) that aim to discuss policy or technical advances on a particular topic. The report also highlights the developments expected in 2023.
The 3rd EUSO Stakeholder Forum will take place in the “2023 EU Soil Week” in Madrid, Spain in the week of 20-24 November 2023.
LIFE SOuRCE project on remediation of PFAS-contaminated groundwater
LIFE SOuRCE is an European project focusing on the demonstration and evaluation of sustainable on-site remediation technologies for PFAS-contaminated groundwater and lasts from 2021 to 2025. It aims to demonstrate innovative cost-efficient and versatile remediation solutions for PFAS contaminated groundwater through the combination of a set of innovative on-site technologies; surface active foam fractionation (SAFF), anion exchange filters (AEX), electrochemical oxidation (EO) and phytoremediation (PHYTO), demonstrated at two demo sites (landfill in Sweden and industrial site in Spain).
LIFE SOuRCE Project on Remediation of PFAS
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) - Newsletter
- ESDAC Newsletter No. 154 (June 2023)
- ESDAC Newsletter No. 153 (May 2023)
- ESDAC Newsletter No. 152 (April 2023)
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
News 9/23
Mission Soil Manifesto
On 18 April 2023, the European Commission and the European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN) held the launch event of the Mission Soil Manifesto, a key milestone for the success of the EU Mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’. The Manifesto highlights the urgent need for action to protect soil health.
The voluntary document can be signed by representatives of municipalities, regions, private or public companies and organisations, NGOs and philanthropic organisations, schools and education institutions, research institutions and individuals to become “Friends of the Mission Soil”.
French PFAS 2023-2027 action plan
Led by the Ministry of Environment (MCECT), the PFAS 2023-2027 action plan aims to reduce risks at the source, continue the monitoring, accelerate the production of scientific knowledge and facilitate access to information for citizens, published in January 2023. It is only available in French but here is a translation of its summary. It is based on 6 strategic axes:
- Axe 1: Have standards on discharges and environmental threshold values to guide public action;
- Axe 2: Bring to the European level a ‘broad’ ban to eliminate the risks associated with the use or marketing of PFAS;
- Axe 3: Improve knowledge of discharges and impregnation of the media, in particular aquatic environments, to reduce the exposure of populations;
- Axe 4: Reduce the emissions of industrial emitters in a significant way;
- Axe 5: Transparency of available information;
- Axe 6: Integration, in the medium term, in the micro-pollutant plan.).
Environment Agency UK publishes environmental risk evaluation reports for 9 PFAS
The Environment Agency UK has recently published nine environmental risk evaluation reports on the environmental hazards and risks from certain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) being made or used in the UK. This work addresses concerns arising from PFAS by providing an informal assessment of the available data to gain a better understanding of the hazards, exposure and risks these substances may pose to the UK environment.
UK Risk Evaluation Reports for PFAS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Draft International & European Standard CEN/prEN ISO/DIS 24212 - comments
ISO 24212 ‘Remediation techniques applied at contaminated sites’ has been released for voting under the ISO/CEN parallel processing. Voting terminates by 4 July 2023.
Given any interest make contact to your national standardisation body.
REMTECH EUROPE 2023 – Call for Abstracts
RemTech Europe, International Conference and Exhibition on land and water remediation markets and technologies, is scheduled for 18-22 September 2023. The first two days (18-19 September) will be fully digital. The other three days (20-22 September) will be hybrid (Ferrara, Italy and online).
The Call for Abstract is open until 31 May 2023. To submit your abstract and participate to the official sessions of RemTech Expo, please download the Flyer with theCall for Abstract and the official Template.
Sustainathon 2023 is scheduled 18-19 September 2023 for seeing how countries are doing in achieving one or more SDGs. If you know any relevant speaker in your country, please contact the secretariat at Registration to the event is already open and free (500 virtual seats available) at this Sustainathon 2023.
For the Remtech Europe Pre-Event ‘Contaminated Megasites’, 25 May 2023, 14:00-18:30 (hybrid; Taranto, Italy) the final program is out as well as the registration Contaminated Megasites.
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
News 8/23
ECHA recommends eight substances for REACH authorisation
To protect workers and the environment, ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) recommend that the European Commission adds eight substances, including lead, to the REACH Authorisation List. Once substances are added to the list, companies will need to apply for authorisation to continue using them.
ECHA’s 11th recommendation includes the following substances:
- Ethylenediamine
- 2-(4-tertbutylbenzyl)propionaldehyde and its individual stereoisomers
- Lead
- Glutaral
- 2-methyl-1-(4-methylthiophenyl)-2-morpholinopropan-1-one
- 2-benzyl-2- dimethylamino-4’-morpholinobutyrophenone
- Diisohexyl phthalate
- Orthoboric acid, sodium salt.
ECHA’s Risk Assessment Committee backs PFAS ban in firefighting foams
ECHA’s Committee for Risk Assessment supports the proposed restriction on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in firefighting foams. The draft opinion of the Committee for Socio-Economic Analysis is open for consultation until 15 May 2023.
According to SEAC, the proposal is the most appropriate EU-wide measure for addressing identified risks, taking into account the availability of alternatives and the proportionality of its benefits and costs to society.
ECHA's support for ban in firefighting foams
Technical Bulletin (TB22) on the uses of PFAS to assist with identification of sites of concern
CL:AIRE published a new technical bulletin (TB22) on the uses of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) to assist with identification of sites of concern. It aims to provide an overview of some of the bulk, legacy and/or dispersive uses of PFAS, to act as a guide to site investigations of land by assisting with identification of activities which may lead to PFAS being present at concentrations which could pose a risk to environmental or human health receptors.
CL:AIRE technical bulletin TB22
It follows on from CL:AIRE Technical Bulletin TB19 - Managing Risks and Liabilities associated with PFAS.
CL:AIRE technical bulletin TB19
SOILveR: POSIDON Coffee break meeting 18 April 2023
SOILveR, the Soil and Land Research Funding platform for Europe, invites for an online coffee break meeting on one of the funded projects: POSIDON (Polluted site decontamination pre-commercial procurement) on 18 April 2023, 11:30 – 12:15 (Zoom).
The POSIDON pilot sites are characterized by clay and sandy soils and the presence of industrial waste (from construction and demolition, slag and ash as filler soils) and mainly polluted by heavy hydrocarbon fractions, PAH, lead and arsenic. Through a number of evaluation phases, Soil-Omic and ERASE have been selected as best-value for money innovative in-situ technologies and tested, in parallel, in two real operational contexts, in Trieste and Bilbao.
Program & registration to the coffee break meeting 18 April 2023
News 7/23
Discussing MEGA-SITES in a European context - CF-Secretariat calling on members to support
RemTech Europe is organising a pre-event for 25-26 May 2023 in Taranto (Southern Italy), which is an industrial park that comprehends the largest steel production factory in Europe as well as a refinery, a port, an industrial and military area with problems and impacts on soil, air, groundwater, surface water, and sediments - a mega site, involving a multitude of site owners, pollutant plumes and environmental impacts.
Marco FALCONI will be organising an interactive exchange to discuss "Sustainable remediation and management of mega sites, experience from Europe and other continents".
The COMMON FORUM Secretariat calls on members and co-creating partners to consider providing their experiences either by a specific presentation or through supporting the CF Secretariat by slides on national/regional case studies, lessons learned and/or conclusions/recommendations. It would be great if you contributed!
Please let know no later than next 21 April 2023 whether you may support to discuss the issue of MEGA-SITES in a European context.
ECHA seeks input on proposed PFAS restriction
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) invites interested parties to send in scientific and technical information on the manufacture, placing on the market and use of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) by 25 September 2023.
Of particular interest is information relevant to the risks, socio-economic aspects, and alternative substances.
ECHA news on input to PFAS restriction
An online information webinar will be held on 5 April 2023 (11:00 to 13:00). Experts will explain the restriction process, the content of the proposal, how to participate in the consultation and answer questions from the participants.
PFAS: forever chemicals — a comprehensive review
In this article the status and the need for their phase out and remediation of contaminated is thoroughly reviewed. As a conclusion it is stated that the substitution of individual PFAS recognized as hazardous by other possibly equally hazardous PFAS with virtually unknown chronic toxicity cannot be a solution. The only answer is a switch to fluorine-free alternatives for all applications in which PFAS are not essential.
SpringerOpen: "PFAS: forever chemicals"
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
News 6/23
ITRC Knowledge Map
ITRC has developed a new navigational tool for accessing its expansive library of environmental guidance documents and resources.
The new Quickening Environmental Solutions and Training (QUEST) Knowledge Map is organized by remediation topics related to environmental assessments and remediation – Site Characterization, Advanced Techniques, Conceptual Site Model (CSM) Development, Site Strategies, etc.
EmConSoil - 2nd webinar series on emerging contaminants
- “Microplastic contamination in soil ecosystems – will it affect plant and soil health?”, “pesticide residues across European ecosystems and their hazardous characteristics”;
23 March 2023, 1 – 2 pm, online - “PFAS, deal with it! Putting things in perspective”;
30 March 2023, 12 – 1 pm, online
EmConSoil Webinar registration link
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) - Newsletter
- ESDAC Newsletter No. 151 (March 2023)
News 5/23
The Forever Pollution Map of Europe’s PFAS contamination
On 24 February 2023, the Forever Pollution Project by an investigative journalist consortium has published a map showing more than 17,000 sites contaminated by the “forever chemicals” PFAS all over Europe.
An exclusive, monthslong investigation from 18 European newsrooms reveals an additional 22,000 presumptive contamination sites due to current or past industrial activity.
Le Monde: "Forever pollution: Explore the map of Europe's PFAS contamination"
Consideration of pathways for immunotoxicity of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
Taken together, there is substantial evidence from both in vitro and in vivo experimental as well as epidemiological studies, supporting that various PFAS, not only PFOA and PFOS, affect multiple aspects of the immune system. Timing of exposure is critical, because the developing immune system is especially vulnerable to toxic insults, resulting in a higher risk of particularly adverse immune effects but also other organs later in life.
Consideration of pathways for immunotoxicity of PFAS
New Microplastics Guidance
Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council ITRC's Microplastics Team has synthesized the available information on MP into a single comprehensive guidance document, covering everything from ecological effects and mitigation and abatement strategies to environmental distribution!
Soil Health Dashboard of the EU Soil Observatory (EUSO)
With the EUSO Soil Health Dashboard, the JRC provides a spatial assessment of where unhealthy soils may be located in the EU – and which degradation processes affect them using a convergence of evidence methodology, which spatially combines datasets to highlight the intensity and location of 15 soil degradation processes. The resulting map indicates areas that are likely to be affected by soil degradation as well as the types of soil degradation with the loss of soil organic carbon (48%), the loss of soil biodiversity (37.5%), and soil erosion by water (32%) being the most prevalent types.
The EUSO Soil Health Dashboard will evolve as new scientific data become available (e.g. Horizon Europe’s Soil Mission projects) and with the implementation of EU and national soil policies, in particular the forthcoming EU Soil Health Law.
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) - Newsletter
- ESDAC Newsletter No. 150 (February 2023)
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
News 4/23
Soil Mission Calls (2023) are open
Under Horizon Europe, the European Commission funds research and innovation in order to protect and restore soils in Europe and beyond which is in line with the EU Mission “A Soil Deal for Europe”.
The call for proposals for 2023 is open until 20 September 2023. This includes 9 topics: Discovering subsoil; prevent & combat desertification; soils in spatial planning; soil friendly practices in horticulture; bringing communities & citizens closer to soil; digital technologies to monitor nutrients/chemical and biological stressors to soils; carbon farming in living labs; Co-creating solutions for soil health in living labs; soil pollution processes.
European Comission: Soil Mission Calls 2023
ECHA publishes PFASs restriction proposal
The details of the proposed restriction of around 10.000 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are now available on ECHA’s (European Chemicals Agency) website.
The proposal was prepared by authorities in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden and submitted to ECHA on 13 January 2023. It aims to reduce PFAS emissions into the environment and make products and processes safer for people.
ECHA’s scientific committees will now start evaluating the proposal in terms of the risks to people and the environment, and the impacts on society.
A six-month consultation is planned to start on 22 March 2023. An online information session will be organised on 5 April 2023 to explain the restriction process and to help those interested in participating in the consultation.
ECHA PFASs restriction proposal
The NICOLE Foundation was officially created on 2 February 2023. After establishing the necessary process steps, the Foundation Board will work on marketing as well as project, volunteers and donors search.
The NICOLE Spring Workshop 2023 on showcasing the ‘state of the art’ of site characterization and sustainable land management tools and practice will take place on 11 & 12 May in Paris, France. The call for abstracts on presentations and posters on research and development projects, new innovative approaches and case studies as well as learning lessons is open until 17 March 2023.
New documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information:
News 3/23
Green paper 'The urgent necessity of healthy soils'
Emphasising that our society needs to increase efforts for healthy soils the paper of Margot de Cleen (Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management) and Martin Doeswijk (TAUW) highlights the general context, argues the urgent necessity and connects this with the EU Soil Strategy and the Mission ‘a Soil Deal for Europe’.
The green paper ends with a clear 10-point action plan and is seen as a starting point for debate and discussion.
Green Paper: 'The urgent necessity of healthy soils'
AquaConSoil 2023 – Deadline for abstract submission extended!
The deadline for abstract submission for AquaConSoil (11 – 15 September 2023 in Prague, Czech Republic) has been extended to 15 February 2023. Submit an abstract for an oral presentation for the regular Thematic Sessions, a poster presentation or a proposal for a complete Free Session.
INSOP and GLOSOLAN joint meeting, Dec. 2022
The joint meeting of the Assessment Working Group (WG) of the International Network of Soil Pollution (INSOP) and the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) was held virtually on 20 December 2022. The aim was to establish a partnership, discuss on SOPs for soil contaminants and sampling. Presentations and the report are now available.
INSOP and GLOSLAN join meeting
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) - Newsletter
- ESDAC Newsletter No. 149 (January 2023)
News 2/23
Scientific Opinion Paper on the upcoming European Soil Health Law
In this scientific opinion paper on “The upcoming European Soil Health Law – chances and challenges for an effective soil protection”, the German Environment Agency (UBA) lays down its key recommendations for the upcoming Soil Health Law. Feedback on legislative options is provided and experience gained in Germany on soil protection and restoration is shared. Knowing the outstanding importance of soils for human and ecosystem health, UBA strongly agrees that a new binding European legislative framework on soils with high ambition is urgently needed.
UBA Scientific Opinion Paper on the Upcoming European Health Law
COMMON FORUM Spring Meeting 2023
31 May – 2 June 2023
Stockholm, Sweden
Hosted by the Swedish Environment Protection Agency with sediment management as one of the topics!
Please contact the COMMON FORUM Secretariat until 21 February 2023 for suggesting your contribution and further topics.
REMINDER: AquaConSoil 2023 – Deadline for abstract submission next week!
AquaConSoil will be back to the real world as physical meeting by 11 – 15 September 2023 in Prague (Czech Republic). Since 1985 it is a bi-yearly event where scientists, policy- and decision-makers and industry representatives gather to learn, share and engage on sustainable use and management of soil, sediment and water resources.
The deadline for abstract submission is Tuesday 31 January 2023. Check out the topics and guidelines on how to submit your abstract on the AquaConSoil 2023 homepage under this
AquaConSoil 2023
Soil monitoring in Europe – Indicators and thresholds for soil health assessments
European soils are under increasing pressure and comprehensive monitoring to asses soil health is lacking. Published on 18 January 2023, a European Environment Agency (EEA) report presents a core set of soil indicators and critical limits for soil health. One chapter is dedicated to soil pollution and addresses the issues of indicators, thresholds and soil screening values.
Indicators and Thresholds for Soil Health Assessment
ECHA receives PFASs restriction proposal
The national authorities of Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden have submitted a proposal to ECHA to restrict per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) under REACH, the European Union’s (EU) chemicals regulation. ECHA will publish the detailed proposal, one of the broadest in the EU’s history, on 7 February 2023.
ECHA’s scientific committees for Risk Assessment (RAC) and for Socio-Economic Analysis (SEAC) will check that the proposed restriction meets the legal requirements of REACH in their meetings in March 2023. If it does, the committees will begin their scientific evaluation of the proposal.
PFASs restriction proposal
News 1/23
Zero Pollution Monitoring and Outlook 2022
EU-wide Zero Pollution Monitoring and Outlook Reports have been published in December 2022 which offer a snapshot on the current state of pollution for air, water and soil in the EU. Inside the package is the the Zero pollution outlook 2022, with high-level synthesis contribution and key findings on soil.
The monitoring and outlook are documented in three parts:
- the European Commission Zero Pollution Monitoring and Outlook Report summarising the findings
- the European Environmental Agency's Zero pollution monitoring assessment 2022
- the Zero Pollution Outlook 2022 published by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, including the results of the 3rd Clean Air Outlook.
Western Balkans Soil Partnership
Under the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, the creation of a sub-regional soil partnership was foreseen and has been established in November 2022.
The partnership is created to preserve, protect and restore the soils in the Western Balkan region and aims to mobilize and involve, thus unite, all stakeholders and institutions in the region
- to identify and restore degraded soils to improve productivity and the provision of ecosystem services;
- to improve national/regional technical capacity, in particular, soil monitoring and advisory;
- to enhance public awareness about the importance of soil while ensuring broad stakeholder involvement.
Western Balkans Soil Partnership
New NICOLE Website
The renewal of the NICOLE website forms part of the 25 years celebration. Its look convey what NICOLE stands for: an informal network of professional peers aiming to sustainably and efficiently manage and clean up contaminated land. The vision is to build on the concept of circularity in land management by integrating the natural, social, and economic capital of industrial land.
The new visual appearance of NICOLE reflects this new vision, starting with the logo, its social media presence, the website, as well as, the members’ portal for effective collaboration and communication.
2nd International Congress on PFAS – Call for Papers
2nd International Congress on PFAS - Management of Environmental & Health Risks | 13-14 June 2023, Paris, France. View the themes and submit your application until 20 February 2023 under this